Tuesday 26 January 2010

Lisa Mitchell Videos.

This is my perfect video. It's just like everything I love in a video!
I mean the brown hair; red lipstick; dark eyes; trains; sunshine through the trees; friends; laughing; memories; nature; woods; sparklers; letters; bubbles; picnics; old film cameras!
It's just a gorgeous video, especially the colours/ film used.

I've always wanted to include a shot of what I can see out of a train window.

This style of video would be perfect for the memory segment for feist.
The colours and the style of filming/editing make it really believable.

This is another one of her videos.
This is also very dream like and the blurry edges of the camera is really effective.
The fact it's all in one shot (well appears to be) is incredible, but the woodland forest and all the random things happening is very dream like.
I love the colours in this video as well.

Very Inspirational.

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