Wednesday 6 January 2010

Lesson 1: Part 1

For the first part of the lesson, Pete showed us a quick tutorial on how to import all the files and what they consisted of; about six music files, and 6 montages of footage. He quickly pulled together his own version, to give us inspiration and to show us how it works. 

Below is mine and Max's.

We decided to use the song "Too Cold" because we could see the potential with the clips and it works quite nicely. The intro, originally we were going to just have the car clip in slow motion, but we decided to keep the car clip and but on every other beat cut to some footage of the other characters break dancing. It works fairly well and builds up atmosphere. The rest of the footage we just made it look as though the characters were rapping along to the music with some shots of the other characters dancing. 

For a first task, I think our video turned out really well. 

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