Wednesday 13 January 2010

Karaoke Video

For this task we had to be split into two groups; my group was Emma, Hannah, Me & then Liam came in late so he joined our group. We all missed Friday's lesson, so therefore we had to do this task in Tuesday's lesson.
We got first choice of music - Spice Girls because it's the "song of our life"; so we had to find another room to film in. We chose the control room. It was small but the lighting and acoustics were good.

We had to use 4 different shots: wide shot; close up/ cut away; low angle; moving shot.
It took us about 7 times to get the wide shot, because at first it was just the 3 of us, and then we kept laughing, and then Liam joined, so we had to change the camera set up. The amount of shots was actually really useful, because we had a variety of takes to use.

For the low angle shot we decided to get the group of boys to sing into the camera in the corridor. At first, I wanted to get them all into the control room, to get the right energy/party like atmosphere but the corridor was more effective.

The close up/ cut away shot we all danced but with the camera just on our feet. This was based on the "Footloose" music video; our shots weren't exact but they were good to fill in spaces.

The moving shot was effort, because we had to explain to Max what we wanted, and to be honest we didn't know what we wanted. My first idea was to get everyone to hold the camera, free hand, and sing into it while moving around, and passing the camera to each other, but we went with the simpler option, to get the camera to pan us while singing and dancing.

I love our music video. It's got a lot of energy and friendship in it; it makes me happy.

Here is the original. It seems to be done on one shot, following the girls round the venue. It's amazing.

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