Saturday 30 January 2010

Excitement/ Worries/ Solutions.

I excited in general for this project, mainly because this is the career I want to go into, so getting an opportunity to work on it so early into the course is amazing. I'm excited to edit the video, and experiment with different shots. I also excited to take a step away from my mixed-media comfort zone and just go for real life footage.

I'm slightly worried about the group scene and the weather to shoot our 'Memory' segment.

To solve these problems is to cram as many people as we can find, for example people in class or friends from college, into the corner of the studio because this will create the illusion of more people; also a lot of close ups would help because that's what Jasmine used for her student video. At the moment the weather's not too bad - it may be cold but the sky is blue and the sun is there, so we'll have to create a summery feeling and portray it through.

Friday's Lesson.

I came in an hour late on Friday's lesson because I was sick in the morning, so I only managed to catch the last part of the lesson, which I've made posts for below (hurtwood house & professional music video amount of cuts).

In the afternoon, Steve helped us out with another music video director history - Anton Corbijn.

His work was really influential, and unique. I love the contrasts in his photographs!

His video for "The Killers" was perfect for the song and his style of shooting was also perfect for the location.
I have a feeling he incorporated a "7 Deadly Sins" theme for the music video.
The girls hold up a number; the footage after this clip reveals the sin.
Especially because this song is all about the things he's ashamed of in the past.
I have no idea if this is the right concept but I think it fits in pretty well.

Notes while watching the video:

Lust - 4 - girls in car/ running after them

pride - 1 - past life - kiss marks

gluttony - 3 - walking - little horse

greed - 6 - walking with lights - i'm not soul but i'm not a soldier - show down

anger - 5 - show down - hiding

envy - 2 - last call for sin - falling

sloth - 7 - revenge - girl gets him

Anton seems like he's been there through lots of different genres, and radical stages in the music industry, and I think we can learn a lot from him because he started out as a photographer but his music video work is just as good.

I had to leave lesson early because I was feeling unwell, but Steve was explaining the techniques of photography. I was so gutted that I had to leave because I love photography, and I didn't get a chance to go location shooting with my group.

Friday 29 January 2010

HurtWood House Video Shots.

Sweet Disposition.
First 30 Seconds = 20 shots
Up to one minute = 33 shots in total.

Professional Music Video

First 30 Seconds:
  1. Long shot - zoomed in.
  2. Close up
  3. Mid-shot
  4. Mid-shot
  5. Long Shot
  6. Mid-shot
30 Seconds - 1 minute

  1. Close up
  2. Long shot
  3. Close Up
  4. Close up
  5. Long shot
  6. Birds
  7. Long Shot
  8. Mid-shot
  9. Long shot
  10. Close up
  11. Medium shot
  12. Mid-shot
  13. Close Up
  14. Close Up
  15. Close Up
  16. Mid-shot
  17. Close Up
Total shots - 23 shots.

Thursday 28 January 2010

Timeline for 1234

Feedback to Hurtwood House.

"This is a really professional looking video. 
The costumes, set and performance are all very convincing. 
Well Done! It's a memorable video and the variety of camera shots makes the video interesting."

Hurtwood House Videos.

This video really stands out to me. I like the song as well.
The variety of shots and the simplicity of just 3 sets.
This video would be fairly simple to recreate:
- One girl with long brown hair, confident enough to do a convincing performance. In a 
sequin dress/ blue dress/ pink dress.
- Two girls with blonde hair - with bass & guitar
- Brown haired girl, in front of drums.
- Drums can be borrowed from junction or college. Bass & Guitar borrowed from Rob & 
- Tinfoil to cover girls in.
- green screen room - add background in after.

Thats all the main points in the video covered,
It'd be easy to film in the studio, and just hang up a green/ blue sheet and then super 
impose the image in after effects.

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Chosen Idea.

The song that we are definitely making a music video is Feist - 1234.
The feedback we got from the class was really positive.
I was shocked because obviously this was our second idea for a long time, and then on Monday we decided to have it as our first choice.
On Thursday/ Friday my group & I are going to have a talk and make a proper final treatment, full of pictures, descriptions and the final idea.
Once this is done we'll have a clear idea of what's going to happen, and we can start future planning.
I was so nervous pitching to the class. For some reason when I go to speak to an audience my brain sort of malfunctions, but I think I didn't do too bad.
Jahmal & I explained our idea for Feist; it went really well; we answered all the questions asked fully.
Alison explained the idea for Shadows - Her idea's were phenomenal!
I had mixed feelings about our outcome of track.
I loved our idea for Shadows but it is too complicated if three groups all have the same track.
I'm excited about 1234 - I think it has so much potential to be something amazing and memorable.
Today's lesson was an eye-opener. I will be prepared and improve on my pitch skills.
That's a definite.

Lisa Mitchell Videos.

This is my perfect video. It's just like everything I love in a video!
I mean the brown hair; red lipstick; dark eyes; trains; sunshine through the trees; friends; laughing; memories; nature; woods; sparklers; letters; bubbles; picnics; old film cameras!
It's just a gorgeous video, especially the colours/ film used.

I've always wanted to include a shot of what I can see out of a train window.

This style of video would be perfect for the memory segment for feist.
The colours and the style of filming/editing make it really believable.

This is another one of her videos.
This is also very dream like and the blurry edges of the camera is really effective.
The fact it's all in one shot (well appears to be) is incredible, but the woodland forest and all the random things happening is very dream like.
I love the colours in this video as well.

Very Inspirational.

Shadows Video Pitch Feedback.

- I like the make up. 
- Reflections = good idea.
- Good contrast of colours. 
- Used in costumes. 
- I like the candle idea.
- Shadows will look effective.
- Light/ dark concept.
- Good concept.
- Good Atmosphere.
- Good Opening.
-  Literal take of the name.
- Natural Lighting,
- Storyline good - maybe just use one person though. 
- Contrasting.
- LOVE this idea!
- Like the opening shot. 
- Like the contrast - Yas + Ali.
- Like the contrast.
- Very detailed idea - also very interesting. 
- Good explanation of what costumes would be used - Black + White.
- Lots of detail about the make up. 
- Lots of information about each idea.
- Experimenting with different make up ideas is good.

- Band equipment - where are you going to get it?
- Band?
- Where?
- Mirrors - problem with camera?
- How would you get the props?

1 2 3 4 Video Pitch Feedback.

1 2 3 4

- I like the whole vibe of the video.
- Good idea of the costumes.
- You can do a lot with your ideas.
- You have a clear idea of how you want the video to look like.
- I like the idea of costume change.
- The balloon would look really effective and abstract.
- Good ideas of how the camera shots will be done.
- I love the colour of your mood board and the idea of changing outfits.
- I like the idea of "The Join Josh's Band" concept.
- Good colours.
- I like the memory scene.
- I like the changing clothes idea.
- Nice idea to have the video like the T-Mobile advert.
- Lots of people singing and playing instruments.
- The idea comes across very well - Very interesting idea.
- Band join. 
- Interactive camera movement. 
- Good Pace.
- Variety - might be messy. 
- Costume Change.

- How many people at the end of 1 2 3 4?
- How will you get all the extra actors at the end?
- Which field? 
- Building?
- Costumes?
- Studio?
- Big crowd - How will it be convincing?

Monday 25 January 2010

Rob's Feedback.

- Age of Girl?
- Location?
- Possible Outfits?
- Age of Guy?
- with her or randomly in the background?
- How Many People?

1, 2, 3, 4 - First Draft.

At the beginning of 1,2,3,4, there is a girl sitting outside on a step, with a guitar. My idea is to have the camera at the same height as the girl sitting down, and maybe to capture the wind blowing through her hair.

When the line "old teenage hopes are alive at your door..." plays the girl stands up and begins to walk towards and through a door. She is met on the other side of the door by the camera (in the studio).

The next few verses/chorus', there'll be lots of different shots of the girl - in every take the girl will be in a new outfit, and standing in a different place to the previous shot.

For the second verse there'll be a 'memory' segment, of the girl standing in a field, with a boy who is playing acoustic guitar. The girl is holding a balloon while singing along.

For the last part of the song, more and more people should arrive in the studio with different instruments, all singing along, having a good time - a huge friendly atmosphere. The song should end with the girl letting go of the balloon, in the middle of the field.

The last part is also going to have memory segments in it, from the field scenes.

The establishment of past and present is that the Past will hopefully have a slightly blue tint, or soft glow distortion effect on it, so it becomes dreamlike. The present will be colourful and bright.

Close Ups on the lips/eyes etc would be interesting for the "1, 2, 3, 4"'s as well as the footage of the girl in the different outfits etc.

Chris Cunningham

I'm sorry to be rude, but Chris Cunningham's work was so weird, disturbing and mental that I couldn't really take it seriously. I know one of his music videos for Aphex Twin- Windowlicker was suppose to be a parody but I just found it uncomfortable to watch.

However, he has a very unique way of expressing his videos, and they're very unique.

I'd seen 3 of the videos before: Frozen - Madonna; Bjork; Aphex Twins.
I really like the Madonna one, it's very clever, and interesting to watch.
The Bjork video has a really unique concept.
I highly dislike the Aphex Twin one, it's too disturbing for my liking.
I wasn't too keen on the "Come To Daddy" video. I freaked out a bit and resorted to looking at my laptop screen, due to the awkwardness.

Chris Cunningham is an English music video film director and video artist. He was born in Reading, Berkshire in 1970 and grew up in Lakenheath, Suffolk.

The video collection The Work of Director Chris Cunningham was released in November 2004 as part of the Directors Label set. This DVD includes selected highlights from 1995–2000.

Cunningham has directed a handful of commercials for companies including Gucci, PlayStation, Levis, Telecom Italia, Nissan and Orange. also S.M.A. childrens milk

Sunday 24 January 2010

Feist Contact.

The only way I could contact Feist was via myspace.

Au Revoir Simone Contact.



I basically explained our idea, and I am still awaiting a reply.

1 2 3 4 Treatment.

We've come to terms with the fact we might not get the music video we want, so we've come up with an equally good idea for this video, that looks like it'd be a lot more fun to shoot, and have a friendlier atmosphere. Above is my treatment.


Pre Production

Pre-visualization (shot list, storyboard, animatic, timeline, treatment, mood- board.
Production Design- locations,costume,hair makeup,props,
Production Manager- Logistics


Director- Rehearses with band, overview what is produced,
Choreography- performance moving around frame
Production Assistant- Holding lyrics, on set to help, musics.
Cinematography - the art of making motion pictures
On set photographer - evidence (digipack)

Post Production

design digipack,magazine advert

Fiest 1,2,3,4 Moodboard

Please Click on these to view them bigger.
This is such a bad moodboard. It's not even finished!
I had an idea for our 2nd pitch, for Fiest.
It's simple and effective.

First Idea:
It starts with a girl playing guitar sitting outside on a step, she stands up and walks inside.
After this many performances will take place of the girl performing the song in different outfits - hence the background covered in a variety of outfits.
In the polaroids of the mood board are main things/themes. For example, the girl playing guitar outside; Close ups of friends playing musical instruments; close up of lips singing.
More and more people appear in shot/ or she walks into another room full of other people with musical instrumentals, all singing along and having a good time.

I took a lot of inspiration for the ending of our video from the T Mobile "Join Josh's Band" advert.

Here are some more polaroids or other clips and inspiration for the 2nd idea.

Saturday 23 January 2010

Dream Like Make Up

Okay, ignore the hideousness of me, I'm ill but I was desperate to show some of the dream like make up our video could use. It's really simple. I just used natural eye shadow, and glitter underneath my eyes with some stick on diamonds around the eye. I think this would look effective for our music video; especially on the close ups of the eyes/ lips and also it would react with the lighting. We wanted something really simple yet effective.

Below is the contrast. It has purple glitter about the eye with a single diamond underneath it.

These are no where near perfect but I was feeling creative, and wanted to give you some ideas on how things could look.

Best Fwends - Skate or Live.

This song is from 2007. My friends and I were obsessed with it during the summer of 2007.
We even made our own version of this video, and the band saw it and commented/ favourited it on Youtube; but somehow the video was deleted off of my laptop. It was one of the best feelings though, to be congratulated by the band, on a little fan video you made.

I didn't realise how much I love stop animation. It's so interesting!
I'd love to incorporate it into our music video, but I haven't explored it well enough yet, and I'm not risking it on this project. Also our style of music doesn't really connect with stop animation.

I love the colours in this video, they're mental. I also love the fact that the stop animation isn't perfect in this video.

It is also made of two elements- Lady in stop animation, and the bands performance on Tv.
Simplicity is just a winner in music videos.

You probably won't be interested by this, but last Decemeber 2008, my boyfriend, his brother and I all made this video, on my mac laptop. It took ALL day but it was totally worth it:

Tonight Is Goodbye Music Videos: Part 2

Tonight Is Goodbye - Brain

This is another "early" video from Tonight Is Goodbye.
I really like the concept of this video. It's a mixture of performance; stop animation style (with the amps moving around); and reverse paint splatter scenes.

I like the simplicity of this video.
The moving camera along the performance shots, makes it interesting to watch. The moving camera from the back of the band is also interesting.
The stop animation is fun and works well to the song.
I like how it changes half way through to the cuts of the band performing and then they have paint over them.

My favourite shot is during the bridge:
Now I want to rewind to the start,
when boy meets girl, nobodies' hurt,
I learnt you lips with every kiss
Now I think I made a big mistake
I called you a tart, and you slapped me in the face.
My hurt begins to break, crushing happy memories
I thought I had of you and me,
Now I made another big mistake,
Sorry boy you ain't my charm,
No happy family we will make.

The paint splatter reverse. This must've taken ages to get right, but overall I think it looks really good!

It just shows that you only need a few elements to make an interesting music video.

Tonight Is Goodbye Music Videos.

Tonight Is Goodbye - Fire In The Hole.

I remember when I was about 14 and going to The Harlow Square to see these boys play. I never thought that they'd end up with a music video a few years down the line.
I like this music video because it's a lot of fun and just really basic.

Location/Shot 1 - It has a shot of them walking down the pier, slightly slow motion.
This is effective because it establishes the band.
Location/ Shot 2 - On the boat; CU of the lead singer, singing to the camera, with slow motion appearing slightly as the wind catches his hair etc.
Location/ Shot 3 - The boys on the boat. The band members clapping/ dancing in the background while the singer, sings to the camera. This is a lot like Duran Duran's Rio Video.
Location/ Shot 4 - The rest of the shots are of the band on the boat, just like real life footage.

This video was filmed on 2 cameras, as you can tell by on the video. I like the way it went from the band being filmed, and then one of the members had a film camera and it went into that view. It was really effective.

Vital Shot Visual

My editing is so awful at the moment, but this is the best I could do.
This is one of the shots that is vital for our music video, especially "Shadows".
To shoot this shot is going to look a lot more effective and easier than this, because it'd have Ali to the front left and me in the right back (or the opposite way round).
"Don't Blame It On Your Shadows" - this would be the perfect time to reveal this shot, because the person in the background is representing the past/ shadows.

Some Test Visuals.

I hate being ill. I'm stuck in on a saturday night, and my friends are all out. It's not good!
But I thought I'd spend this time with creating some visuals; test ones of course.

The Body Parts Visuals:
This is one of the lyrics from "Shadows". The Hand is in focus and the background is slightly blurred and dark/ eery. This is obviously a still shot, but it the music video it would be in motion.

This is the only way I could show you how I want another part of the song shown.
I did turn it into a .gif because it is the only way I could show stills as moving footage without recording, but blogger has decided not to show it, so I had to just show you the single frames. Each finger has a word/ phrase on it. As the words are sung the finger is revealed just like above.


I was ill on Friday so I missed help creating our slideshow pitch.
This looks like very little of our whole idea. When we were talking in class, we had so many more ideas.
I was thinking to help explain our ideas we could use visuals during the pitch to explain our ideas, for example, the writing on the body part shots, would be easy and interesting to show.

I've noticed that another 2 groups are hoping for this song as well.
This makes me nervous because I know our idea is really good, and will work well for the song, and I'm not just saying that because we came up with them, but they'd portray the song in a completely new light.

I've noticed the other 2 groups have also gone for the "Disney" Alice in Wonderland/ Snow White style for their ideas. These are brilliant ideas, because they all reflect the dream-like atmosphere; but these ideas are becoming more and more common in the music industry.
Our idea is dream-like but we're representing it in contrasts and a mixture of performance and visuals.

We're just going to have to get our idea across as best as we can.

Friday 22 January 2010

The Drums Lyrics

The Drums - Let's Go Surfing.

This song is really fun and upbeat.

  1. Wake Up, It's A Beautiful Morning.
  2. Oh Momma, I Don't Care About Nothing.
  3. Wake Up, There's A New Kid In Town.
These lyrics have a really summer feel to them, like a real essence of childhood and summer holidays. While watching the video an atmosphere was being built up of my own personal summer holidays, when you'd wake up every day and be excited about going to see your mates.

Fiest Lyrics.

Fiest - 1, 2, 3, 4

There are 3 main parts that really bring attention here.

  1. One, two, three, four
    Tell me that you love me more
    Sleepless long nights
    That is what my youth was for.
  2. Old teenage hopes are alive at your door
    Left you with nothing but they want some more
  3. Money can't buy you back the love that you had then.
It's pretty obvious that this song is all about memories and a heartbreak.
I've chosen these 3 parts because they start of reminiscing, and then the fact that she was left with 'nothing' and the third but is the realisation that no matter how much you want it back, nothing in the world is going to bring it back and take back what happened.


Au Revoir Simone - Shadows
  1. I'm Haunted By Your Eyes.
  2. Cause I'm Not Strong Without You.
  3. Don't Blame It On Your Shadows.
The reason I chose these 3 lyrics is because they really jumped out at me.
"I'm Haunted By Your Eyes" would be interesting to film because there's a variety of shots we could use, for example: CU of eyes, single tear; Image of eyes layered over singer.

"Cause I'm Not Strong Without You" shows the struggle throughout the song, and the fact that they're admitting that without this person they'd be weak.

"Don't Blame It On Your Shadows" is the perfect lyric to use our shot of the two people. Ali in the front left of the screen, and me in the far right of the screen, in the background.

Thursday 21 January 2010

My Generation Music Video.

Yasmin - My Generation from cmdiploma on Vimeo.

This is my cut for "My Generation" music video. 
It's definitely what I had in mind, or wanted for this video but it'll do for now. 
I tried to use the variety of shots to get everyone in and create an energetic atmosphere.

I used a mirror effect to reveal the whole band and dancers. It doesn't look that good but it's a different way of revealing band members. I definitely won't be using this effect or look for our music video. 

I've learnt that the cuts need to be quicker so that the audience don't get bored and just keep it to the point. 

I'm not really proud of this video. It's pretty boring to be honest.

Skills Learnt: 

I haven't learnt a lot from this but practice makes perfect. 
I suppose the main thing I've learnt overall is to keep the cuts short, and straight to the point.
Also that moving camera is a lot more interesting the still camera, for this genre of music, but I still prefer still footage compared to moving. 

This lesson was okay, I've felt sick throughout the two sessions, so the constantly repeated music gave me a bit more of a headache, but a part from that the sessions were good, and I produced a video that was the length of the song. I wish we had a wider variety of footage, then the video would've been a lot more fun to edit.

Tuesday 19 January 2010

1234 brainstorm

My photographs are being outrageously annoying today!
Even though this is the more well known song, we couldn't think of any specific shots and ideas unlike our other video brainstorm to "Shadows".

For this song we were thinking a huge "Friends" shoot, with one person singing the main part, and then the group singing towards the end.
Just a lot of instruments and group shots.

The other interesting thing we thought about this is that you could use bloopers. I know thats like a sin to say in editing but this song is all about fun, and laughing and has a happy atmosphere.

The outcome of this video could be really unpredictable.

Shadow Brainstorm.

I have no idea why it's sideways. I'll fix it soon I promise.
Click the image to see it bigger.
We listened to this song again, for one more time, and jotted down ideas and shots.
We all came up with the same kind of ideas.

I had the idea of some body parts, with lyrics on them, in focus. Also a mirror shot, and a shot of the girl in the left of the camera, close to it, and another girl in the far right of the camera in the background, both singing the same lyrics.

We also had an idea for me and Ali to perform in it.
I would be doing most of the singing, while Ali is the visuals.
We had another idea for Ali to be in a long black dress, and me to be in a white lace dress, to show the contrast; a bit like opposites.

Another favourite shot idea, was one of Jahmal's - A close up of the face/ lips/ eyes etc, with the lighting heavily on one side, making half of the face invisible.

We discussed Black and White and then changing into colour at a specific point.

A very dream like atmosphere.

Music Choices and Thoughts

This is a picture of our notes from listening to the music.

We listened to all the clips once. We then discussed if we had any thoughts for the visuals, and if it was a "Possible" (Y) or a "No" (N) or a "Back Up".

As you can tell from above there were 7 "Possibles"; 2 "Backups"; and, 17 "Nos".
We pretty much agreed on all of the decisions, and therefore was left with a small number of possibles.

We then listened to these songs again. We marked them out of 10 and then picked the best 3 (scoring the highest):

Shadows - 8/10
1 2 3 4 - 8/10
Let's Go Surfing - 7/10

Most of the songs were good songs, but there just wasn't enough visuals and we don't want to bore our audience. We picked songs that were calm but had an upbeat-ness about them.

Jasmine's Presentation

Jasmine Blackborrow is such a lovely and fun person, and you can definitely tell that from her work. It was too cold at break, so I actually got a chance to speak to her and Pete insisted I showed her some of my (terrible in comparison) work.
It was really relaxed and easy to talk to Jasmine, because she was a similar age to us, and an inspiration, especially for me, because I want to go into the music video business.

Above is Jasmine's Year 13 Music Video, which won her the BBC Blast competition.
I love the atmosphere in this video; the latin vibe between the footage/ location/ dancing/ costumes have a strong relationship between the music.
The colours in this video are also interesting, and show the latin through the tanned look while the girls are getting ready and then the brightness of them out, showing the festivals and fun.

Jasmine's thoughts:
  • Be Creative!
  • Think about costumes, props, dance, colour, and fun.
  • Try a 1 day shoot on location.
  • Test Shoots are crucial.
  • No Money = Determination.
Producer takes care of the budget; record labels and artists; okay's ideas; everything must go through them for final decision.

On the video shoot some of the people involved - director; creative director; director of photography; runner; producers; assistants.


  • Write all your ideas down.
  • Visuals; keywords; quotes; EXCITEMENT.
  • Paper version of music video.
  • Straight to the point.
  • Draft & redraft until perfect. Even if it ends up a forth redraft.
  • 1-3 pages long.
  • Specific Costumes
  • Main Key things.

Everyone needs to have the same vision.

  1. Get Idea across - pictures and videos help.
  2. Reuse Ideas
  3. Moodboards
  4. Pictures & Names for Extras.
  5. Costumes & Prop List - images/links etc
  6. Reference; reference; REFERENCE.

Different tones need to be acknowledged - for example "Black and White" needs to be "Old Newspaper Black and White"

Shot List
Perfect timing.
All ideas can be used, it's all about the spacing in the song. Don't put all the interesting parts at the beginning!
Lyrics with the timing next to them helps create a clear timeline.

DETAILED SHOT LIST! - close ups/ midshots/ headings of location etc.

Schedule needs to be to the point, and specific about the amount of time in the time slots.

  • Precise.
  • Key shots and points
  • High importance.
  • Helps entire team
Contact Sheet:
Everyone involved is needed - email and mobile.
All props need to be on this sheet, so it's easy to find them after and nothing is left behind.
Map etc.

You have the full control of this project! Don't Give Up!
Get involved to capture your perfect shots.
If shot doesn't work, after 15 - 30 minutes move on.

This is Jasmine's professional music video with the BBC. I really love the concept and the camera it was filmed on is beautiful!! I'm so jealous!

Monday 18 January 2010

Friday's Lesson.

I was ill last Friday, and I missed the whole class making a music video to "My Generation". 
This is one of their shots. 

MY GENERATION LONG SHOT 2 from cmdiploma on Vimeo.


This is the long shot. Its a really good shot and has a lot of energy.
I'm really gutted I missed this lesson. It looked like a great day. I can't wait to edit it.

Personal Status

Technical Skills:
So far on this course I have learnt so many new skills. I have learnt all new Final Cut skills, because I'd never used it before, and now I feel comfortable using it. I am also more confident on Photoshop and using cameras to film. 

Artistic/ Creative Skills:
I have really become more creative since starting this course. I've learn to enjoy photography, so now I've started a flickr, and a blog of my 365 days in photos on tumblr. I have enjoyed creating costumes and make up. I've become more interested in graphics and use photoshop inside and outside of college. 

Special Powers:
My special powers would have to be that I sing, so therefore know how to perform on stage etc. I also did drama for GCSE so I can use the skills from that to get across a convincing performance.